Information Hub / Events Continuing Education
CE Training: Part 2: Supporting Youth Experiencing Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Trafficking
1:00 PMTuesday, August 20 2024
12:00 PMTuesday, August 20 2024
11:00 AMTuesday, August 20 2024
10:00 AMTuesday, August 20 2024
9:00 AMTuesday, August 20 2024
7:00 AM

Carly Devlin, LCSW, has a unique blend of direct services, policy, and facilitation experience. She has worked with youth and young adults since 2012 as a teacher and social worker. She has led an advocacy, case management, and therapeutic program for young people in San Francisco, provided direct services to youth who have been pushed out of systems across California, and worked in the field of youth leadership development. Carly has additionally worked in policy contexts, with a focus on youth homelessness and other systems that impact youth. Carly received a Master’s in Social Work from the University of California, Berkeley, and holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Brown University.
Carly currently teaches two classes as an Adjunct Professor in the School of Education at the University of San Francisco: Community Mental Health and Law and Ethics. She believes that meaningful change happens when individuals and communities have the resources to grow on their own terms. She holds that change is possible. She has seen individuals move towards healing, been a part of systems change, and witnessed the power of community. Carly sees her role as one of support and allyship and strives to take the lead from those most directly impacted.
This workshop is the second of a two-part series that covers strategies supporting youth who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, and/or survival sex from an individual and systems level perspective. Part Two will address prevention and include additional engagement approaches. This presentation will emphasize harm reduction and healing-centered engagement, as well crucial systems-level and anti-oppression considerations.
This course is eligible for 2 continuing education credits.
This course is suitable for Psychologists, LMHCs, MFTs, Social Workers, LPCs, and Counselors.
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