A benefit I did not anticipate I would appreciate so much are the continuing education training offered on a regular basis. They are excellent and accessible.

I first got involved with A Home Within after learning about it from some other mental health professionals in my city as I was just getting my private practice up and running. I knew that a value of mine was to make long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy accessible to a subset of my patients who had financial limitations, and I loved the idea of doing this with a family who had adopted a child and was looking for a consistent mental health care provider for the long-term.
A benefit I did not anticipate I would appreciate so much are the continuing education training offered on a regular basis. They are excellent and accessible. I have valued them very much!
This might already be happening so forgive me if I’ve missed it, but I’d love to see group therapy offered for kiddos and parents by providers.
The long term relationship I’ve had the opportunity to develop with my client and her family.
I’ve been hosting a grief support group for six years. The experience of bearing witness to those who are in the throes of grief has been one of the most rewarding opportunities of my career thus far. Observing the endurance, compassion, and shared kindness of the group members has given me hope in humanity.