
My volunteer experience has been incredibly rewarding and I would recommend that other mental health practitioners volunteer their time and skills to help support A Home Within’s cause.

New York CityLMFT2022
How and when did you first get involved with A Home Within, and why were you drawn to it?

I first got involved with A Home Within about two years ago when I was an intern at my practice, Mind Muse Therapy. My advisor Dr. Fernandez had spoken with me and the other interns about getting involved in some volunteer work as she had come from a community work background herself. I was immediately drawn to A Home Within because their mission was so clear, offer free therapy to those who have been or still are in the foster system. As we now know the foster system can take a toll on the children who are involved and they need mental health care in order to cope with some of the trauma that can come with this experience. However, mental health care in the United States is not always accessible, especially for vulnerable populations, and A Home Within was looking to make this a possibility when it otherwise would not be. That is why I choose to volunteer with A Home Within.

What would you say to someone considering volunteering with and/or donating to A Home Within?

I would say, “Go for it”! My volunteer experience has been incredibly rewarding and I would recommend that other mental health practitioners volunteer their time and skills to help support A Home Within’s cause. However I know that time is scarce and mental health needs are at an all time high so donation is another great way to support the administrative work that goes into running this organization.

As you know, we are celebrating both the inspiring history and promising future of A Home Within. Where do you hope to see A Home Within headed in the future? What would you like to see happen?

Right now A Home Within’s services are only available in 12 states, my hope for this organization is to see it expand to all 50 states. While I am proud to see the growth of this organization, our reach is only so far at this time. I would love to see other mental health practitioners join and establish new chapters in the states we have yet to incorporate.

What is the most special part about A Home Within to you?

I began volunteering with A Home Within because of their mission, to provide comprehensive mental health services to those who have been or still are in the foster care system. However the most special part of A Home Within is the people who volunteer and run the organization. I got the opportunity to meet a few of them and hear their stories. The volunteers and those who work for A Home Within are dedicated and passionate about what they do. I find this to be particularly inspiring because I know the people I work with are going to put their all into completing the mission and creating new visions for the future.

What impact has your work with A Home Within had on your life - personal, professional, or otherwise?

Working with A Home Within has given me a sense of personal fulfillment as well as challenging me to become a better mental health practitioner. This experience has prompted me to grow as a professional and improve upon areas of competency needed to provide the best care for my clients.

At a Glance

A Home Within’s community includes nearly 500 therapists in 20 chapters across 10 states.
Dozens of free consultation groups and continuing education events are offered each year.
This year, over 150 therapists nationwide became volunteers, leading to a 25% increase in our network!